This web site reflects the views and opinions of Bruno Bosshard on how that automated software testing should be implemented to achieve maximum value and the best possible return on investment.
This web site consists of this page and 13 other pages:
- “Automated software testing in Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)” describes the proposed approach to automated software testing using Agile and Continuous Integration and Delivery.
- “Example implementation of automated software testing” provides an overview of the technical implementation of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) test automation tools Selenium, Playwright, and Cypress.
- “Java Framework” is a PDF document about using Selenium, Playwright, and REST-assured (for REST API testing) with Java using Apache Maven, TestNG, and Docker.
- “Selenium WebDriver” is a hands-on guide for using Selenium with Java as a PDF document.
- “Playwright” is an alternative to Selenium that enables fast, reliable and capable testing and automation across all modern browsers.
- “Cypress” describes a fast, easy and reliable testing tool alternative to Selenium for anything that runs in a browser.
- “Continuous Integration with Jenkins” explains a complete scripted Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline using GitHub, SonarQube (including JaCoCo), and JFrog Aritfactory.
- “Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber and Gherkin” describes the implementation of automated acceptance testing using Cucumber and Gherkin in Java in a PDF document.
- “Appium mobile automation for Google Android and Apple iOS” explains Appium with Selenium for automated mobile app testing in a PDF document. It includes a practical Google Android example.
- “Android Studio Testing” shows how to test Android apps with Google’s Android Studio, based on the JUnit and Espresso testing frameworks.
- “Groovy Java Scripting” explores how to extend Java with scripting capabilities for faster and easier writing of automated tests in a PDF document.
- “Serenity BDD Cucumber Reporting” is a PDF document that shows how to use the open source library Serenity BDD with Cucumber to add better integrated and more comprehensive reporting capabilities to Behaviour-Driven Development.
- “Jasmine and Karma JavaScript Testing” describes in a PDF document how to (unit) test JavaScript applications and how to use the Karma test runner to execute these JavaScript tests in Continuous Integration.